
Interaction Hydrothermal System with Magmatic and Tectonic processes: An example of MAR Oceanic Core Complexes

Interaction Hydrothermal System with Magmatic and Tectonic processes: An example of MAR Oceanic Core Complexes

S. Silantyev

Submit your abstract to the theoretical institute

The deadline for abstract submission is extended to 15 Aug, 2015.

Submit your abstract to the third theoretical institute now!

Travel bursaries and extended deadline of 2014 VentBase 2014

VentBase 2014 is pleased to announce support from InterRidge for two student participants completing post-graduate research in a relevant field. The travel bursaries provided by InterRidge will contribute upto USD 2500 per student towards travel costs associated with the workshop. To apply for a travel bursary, students must submit an abstract/statement of interest through the online submission page. Students will also need to compose a 200 word summary of why the workshop is important to their research and how they think participation will benefit their studies.

2013 AGU session V004. Chemical Evolution of the Earth’s Mantle

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to call your attention to and encourage you to submit abstracts to AGU Fall Meeting session: V004. Chemical Evolution of the Earth’s Mantle.  As a reminder, the abstract deadline is fast-approaching, and abstracts must be submitted by 6 August 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT.

The nature and distribution of chemical heterogeneities in the Earth’s mantle have important implications for our understanding of the structure of mantle convection, mass fluxes, and partial melting.

Mascarene Islands and GEOCEAN meetings - registration deadline: 31 May 2012

Please note that the two meetings advertised below each have a registration deadline of Thursday 31 MAY 2012. Organisers would appreciate those interested to register this week, to indicate the degree of support these meetings have.


3-7 Sept 2012, Mauritius
Details and Registration:

Join us for the GEOCEAN scientific Symposium, in tribute to Jean Francheteau, followed by a Summer School focused on:


Organised in Brest, France, August 27-28 (Symposium) and August 29-21 (Summer school) 2012

InterRidge-sponsored meeting: Ridge and Hotspots around the Mascarene Islands: present activity, past evolution

This meeting will take place on 3-7 Sept 2012 and will cover:
- Mid ocean ridges processes: volcanism, tectonics, and hydrothermalism
- Hotspots, ridges, and their interactions
- The fate of volcanic islands: from construction to destruction with a focus on the Mascarene Islands and the nearby Indian Ocean.

Further details and registration form 

Workshop: Ocean Mantle Dynamics: from Spreading Center to Subduction Zone

The above meeting will be held on 4-6 October 2011 at AORI, Tokyo, Japan, with an optional field trip on 2 October. Registration is now open and attendees are encouraged to post their interest as soon as possible. All details are available from the Japanese website.

In this meeting, there will be a focus on three objectives of crustal and mantle imaging, with an emphasis on mantle dynamics:

Workshop: "Ocean Mantle Dynamics: from Spreading Center to Subduction Zone"

Workshop Report - posted Nov 2011

Workshop abstracts

Background and Objectives

What have and can we derive from crustal and mantle imaging beneath the ocean together with laboratory and numerical studies?

InterRidge participates at KOPRI's 16th International Symposium on Polar Sciences

On June 10-11, the Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI) hosted the 16th International Symposium on Polar Sciences in Incheon, Korea. The symposium brought together ~144 scientists from the broad fields of both ridge and climate research, representing 11 countries around the globe. The meeting was timely, with the expected launch this week of the new Korean research icebreaker R/V Araon, with sea trials planned for November 2009.

Scientific questions and recommendations from the InterRidge Seafloor Mineralization Working Group

The InterRidge Working Group on Seafloor Mineralization (SMWG) has developed three groups of questions and recommendations to advance the scientific knowledge of seafloor massive sulfide (SMS) deposits:
What are the spatial controls on hydrothermal activity and SMS deposition?
What are the timescales for the evolution of SMS deposits?
What are the changes in biological communities that occur during the evolution of an SMS deposit?
Recommendations range from developing a list of criteria to quantify the extent of activity at a hydrothermal vent site, to using cutting‐edge technology to locate and characterize inactive deposits, to encouraging biological studies of inactive and extinct SMS deposits.
PDF file: InterRidge Seafloor Mineralization Working Group - 2009 Meeting Report

Goldschmidt Conference 2008

07/13/2008 12:00
07/18/2008 12:00

There are several sessions of interest to InterRidge at the upcoming Goldschmidt Conference to be held in Vancouver, Canada, 13-18 July 2008(
Abstract deadline: March 1st.

Session 6a: Ridges and Geochemical Mapping of the Mantle
Session 10e: Mechanisms and time scales of crustal assimilation
Session 15c: Hydrothermal systems in ultramafic rocks
Session 15e: Quantifying the chemical exchange between the oceanic lithosphere and oceans

World Conference on Marine Biodiversity

11/11/2008 15:00
11/15/2008 15:00

World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Valencia, Spain, 11-15 Nov. 2008