InterRidge Cruise Bursaries

InterRidge supports Cruise Bursaries to help early career ridge-crest scientists to participate in international mid-ocean ridge research cruises. Bursaries are awarded for travel and subsistence costs required to join the cruise. Please see the recipients of awards since 2011. We invite graduate students and postdoctoral researchers to apply.


  • to enable early-career, ridge-crest scientists to participate in international mid-ocean ridge research cruises,
  • to encourage new collaborations across the InterRidge member nations,
  • to develop new research directions.

The award

Up to 2000 US$ will be awarded for travel and subsistence costs to facilitate cruise participation. Successful applicants will be asked, on their return, to:

  • produce a short report for the IR website in English,

  • deliver a seminar in their institution, reporting on their experience onboard and the role of the InterRidge bursary in their work.

How does it work?

There are two possible ways:

A) Initiated by early-career scientist

1. Identify a cruise on which you wish to participate, and a scientist onboard (host) with whom you would like to collaborate.

2. Contact host by email, asking if there is a spare berth.

3. Host scientist checks with the cruise chief scientist.

4. If all are in agreement, download the bursary application form (to be completed by host scientist/applicant), and submit it to the InterRidge Office as an email attachment, together with your CV, a letter of support from your supervisor/laboratory/university, and a letter of invitation from the cruise chief scientist.

B) Initiated by host scientist

1. If you are interested in establishing new collaborations relating to the cruise on which you are participating, contact your chief scientist for information on spare berths, and permission to open discussions with interested parties. Send information on spare berths into the InterRidge Office and we will put it on the website.

2. Early-career scientists - check which cruises have spare berths and contact the host scientist.
A host scientist may already know of an eligible applicant, in which case they may proceed with the application, subject to approval by the chief scientist.

3. If all (chief scientist, host scientist (if different), and early-career scientist) are in agreement, download the bursary application form (to be completed by host scientist/applicant) and submit it to the InterRidge Office as an email attachment, together with the applicant's CV, a letter of support from his/her supervisor/laboratory/university, and a letter of invitation from the cruise chief scientist.

What will you do onboard?

  • Participate in the planned science programme,
  • Carry out your collaborative research.

Applicants should have a clear role on the research cruise and not be part of the original research team. Preference will be given to applicants from InterRidge member countries and from countries other than those of the cruise leader.

Bursary Application Form
Availaible berths
Recipients of awards