Workshop on Advancing Experimental Rock Deformation Research: Scientific and Technical Needs

08/16/2012 09:00
08/19/2012 17:00

New information about this workshop
The workshop is open to all, but in order to help us determine the best way to distribute our limited funds, reserve enough space at the lodging venue, and ensure sufficient conference facilities, we have created an online application form. Please apply soon to increase your chances of being able to receive some funding to attend the workshop.

Applications will “close” on May 31, which means that anyone applying after that date may not be able to receive any funding and may have to stay in a different hotel than the one for which we have arranged good rates.

Below are two short documents that will give you a better understanding of this workshop: the abstract of the proposal submitted to fund the workshop and the draft meeting agenda. A copy of the content of the application form is also attached so you have a record of the information there about costs and can see what you will be asked, although you do need to fill out the form at the above URL. PLEASE DO NOT MAIL OR EMAIL THE ATTACHED FORM TO US.

Abstract of funding proposal
Draft agenda
Copy of application form (BUT APPLY ONLINE - SEE ABOVE)

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together the Users of Experimental Rock Deformation data with the Practitioners of Experimental Rock Deformation. Users are those who make direct use of laboratory data in models, calculations, or in the interpretation of geological or geophysical observations. Practitioners are those actively engaged in laboratory-based experimental research on the mechanical properties of Earth materials. The purpose of the workshop is to assess the scientific and technical needs of these groups and to begin a process of responding to those needs. There is much important research, from both a scientific and societal perspective, that needs to be done in this area and there are recognized needs for technological and community resources in order to meet the scientific needs. We will focus our attention on the relatively shallow portion of the Earth, since COMPRES is doing a good job of representing the community focusing on the higher-pressure deep interior and addressing their needs. Thus our focus will include the upper mantle and lower-to-mid crust, the seismogenic zone, accretionary wedges, energy-related issues, and the mechanical and chemical role of fluids in all these situations.

This workshop is just prior to the Rock Deformation Gordon Research Conference that will be held at the Proctor Academy, Andover NH, August 19-24, 2012.

The planned workshop agenda includes talks presenting the important science questions and discussions of the technological and community needs to allow addressing these questions. The workshop will include sessions with all workshop attendees present and smaller groups with either or both Users and Practitioners. Among the problems already identified is the need for better quality rheological data at high temperature in the 1-4 GPa pressure range and for better friction data at pressures up to 200 MPa, speeds from 10^-9 to 10 m/s, and temperatures up to 600° C. There are clear needs by the entire community for more technical support staff, some of whom could assist scientists anywhere, regardless of the locations of the staff. The careers of early career scientists could be greatly enhanced if facilities were available in which they could conduct leading edge research while they gradually build their own labs. Community solutions are also needed for archiving experimental data and machine design drawings and for inter-lab validation of results.

Organizing Committee:
Terry E. Tullis, Chair
Fred Chester, CoChair
Wenlu Zhu
Phil Skemer
Roland Bürgmann