Aim: to produce a comprehensive overview of key drilling questions and related areas including requested technologies and best regional drilling strategies. The outcome of the workshop will feed into a major DS3F conference to be organised in Barcelona.
Register by sending an email before 30th of April to: ds3f@ig.uit.no
The registration fee will be 100 Euros on site.
Aim: to produce a comprehensive overview of key drilling questions and related areas including requested technologies and best regional drilling strategies. The outcome of the workshop will feed into a major DS3F conference to be organised in Barcelona.
Register by sending an email before 30th of April to: ds3f@ig.uit.no
The registration fee will be 100 Euros on site.
Main results in Russian Study of the Mid-Oceanic Ridge Processes in First Decade of XX1
Location: Institute of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences (IGEM RAN)
Registration deadline: 1 March 2011
Abstract deadline: 1 April 2011
Contact: Sergei Silantyev silantyev@geokhi.ru or Georgy Cherkasov cherkasov@vniio.ru