Liaison panel on exploration guidelines

At the recent StComm meeting, it was decided that InterRidge should set up a panel to devise guidelines on exploration at vent sites, in collaboration with invited NGOs and industry. These would be similar to the Code of Conduct developed a few years ago, but more outward-looking to all stakeholders, rather than just scientists. It was thought that by bringing all stakeholders together from the beginning, there would be ownership of the guidelines and that this represented the most likely way to a successful outcome.

We are looking to set up a liaison panel of 7-8 InterRidge members with invited guests from NGOs and industry. We are extending an invite for nominations to the whole IR community and the final composition of the liaison panel will be determined by the IR Office. There is an expectation that a number of the panel will attend the IMMS meeting in Shanghai 15-20 October "Marine Minerals: Finding the Right Balance of Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection" Tongji Univ., Shanghai. This would be an appropriate event to hold a first meeting, so please ask your nominee if they are prepared to attend - InterRidge will meet 50% of flight costs.