Alpine Ophiolites and Modern Analogues Workshop

09/30/2009 00:00
10/02/2009 17:00

Alpine Ophiolites and Modern Analogues Workshop
September 30 to October 2, 2009 in Parma, ITALY
Abstract and registration deadline July 3, 2009

“Alpine Ophiolites and Modern Analogues” is an international workshop organized by the Italian Working Group on Mediterranean Ophiolites. The Workshop aims at discussing multidisciplinary aspects related to continental rifting and formation/evolution of an oceanic basin, based on studies from MORB-type Alpine ophiolites and their modern analogues, i.e. magma-poor passive margins and slow-to ultra-slow spreading ridges.

The Workshop consists of three days of oral/poster presentations. Two optional field excursions on Ligurian ophiolites (September 28-29, 2009) and Lanzo Peridotite Massif (October 3-4, 2009) are also planned.

The oral presentation schedule will include some key-note lectures by H. Dick, M.Cannat, B. Ildefonse, G. Manatschal, O. Müntener, B. Tucholke.

If you are interested in attending the meeting and want to receive future updates please send an email to: