Hot '96

PI Country: 
France, USA
Gaill, F.; Fisher, C.
N. Pacific
JdF Ridge
Start Date: 
10 Feb-1996
End Date: 
25 Mar 1996

In February 1996 Dr. Fisher and Kathleen Scott participated in "Hot '96", a collaborative cruise using the French research vessel Nadir with the deep submersible Nautile, and the American ship RV Wecoma. Dr. Fisher was aboard the Nadir and conducted collaborative studies of vestimentiferan tube growth with the French chief Scientist, Dr. Francoise Gaill. Kathleen Scott was aboard the RV Wecoma where she conducted studies of the physiology of symbionts freshly purified from tubeworms.

OCE95-04257/molecular and biochemical basis for stable carbon isotope ratios in hydrothermal vent communities; Cary and Stein/functional role of opibiotic bacterial microflora associated with the pompeii worm, Alvinella pompejana; Fisher/aboard the associated French cruise with submersible Nautile

R/V Nadir
submersible Nautile