Cruise Information

IODP expedition 395 applications and webinar

Expedition 395 Reykjanes Mantle Convection & Climate

Informational Webinar The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) is now accepting applications for scientific participants on Expedition 395 Reykjanes Mantle Convection & Climate aboard the JOIDES Resolution. Opportunities exist for researchers (including graduate students) in all shipboard specialties, including but not limited to sedimentologists, petrologists, micropaleontologists, paleomagnetists, petrophysicists, borehole geophysicists, igneous geochemists, inorganic and organic geochemists. To learn more about the scientific objectives of Expedition 395, life at sea, and how to apply to sail, please join us for a web-based seminar on Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 12:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time.

NOAA 2020 Expedition to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (EX2004, EX2005, EX2006)

From May 31 through August 20, NOAA and partners will conduct a three-part, telepresence-enabled ocean exploration expedition – Voyage to the Ridge 2020- on NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer to collect critical baseline information about unknown and poorly understood deepwater areas of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Azores Plateau, and the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone.

IODP – preliminary proposal workshop

Workshop to develop an IODP preliminary proposal to investigate the early evolution of back-arc basins by drilling in the Havre Trough, 10-11 March 2020

HACON expedition to Gakkel Ridge

HACON (Hot Vents in an Ice-Covered Ocean) is the first full-scale multidisciplinary investigation of deep (4000 m) hydrothermal vents under permanent ice cover in the Arctic, investigating the Aurora vent field (82.5°N) in the Gakkel Ridge. The expedition is organized between 19 September and 16 October 2019 on board R/V Kronprins Haakon. Follow the HACON expedition.

IODP Exp 390 & 393 - South Atlantic Transect

The proponents of an upcoming IODP drilling project encourage you to apply to join the science parties for the IODP South Atlantic Transect Expeditions (Expedition 390, 5 Oct – 5 Dec 2020 and Expedition 393, 6 Apr – 6 June 2021). These joint expeditions comprise a multidisciplinary drilling project that aims to recover complete sedimentary sections and ~200 m of oceanic crust along a crustal age transect at ~31°S across the South Atlantic.  

MoMARSAT Cruise 2019 June 10 to July 4

The MoMARSAT2019 cruise on the N/O Pourquoi pas? using the HOV Nautile is the yearly maintenance cruise of the EMSO Azores deep-sea observatory on the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field and will take place from 10 June to 4 July 2019.

Spare berths - short deadlines!

1) Cruise AXIAL aboard the R/V Marcus Langseth Summer 2019

Spare berth on SMARTIES Cruise

French research cruise SMARTIES of RV “Pourquoi Pas?” and deep-sea submersible “Nautile” will take place between 12 July and 24 August 2019 on the intersection of the Mid-Atlandtic Ridge axis and the Romanche Transform Fault. Port calls will be on the Cape Verde Islands.

Marine National Facility (MNF) Call for Applications 2015-16

The new Marine National Facility (MNF) RV Investigator will be available for research in Australia's regional seas and oceans in 2015-2016.  Under direction of an independent Steering Committee, the vessel is owned and operated by CSIRO.

Cruise Dispatches

R/V Roger Revelle at NE Lau Basin

New black smokers discovered at Niua South Volcano. News from the current expedition at:

Cruise Information

The InterRidge office features and catalogs ridge-crest cruises - their goals, their websites, requests for equipment or personnel, and your discoveries.

Upcoming Cruises 2017-2018

Upcoming Cruises 2017-2018

Country Dates Chief scientist Ship Cruise ID/Location Research objectives


Bourses de campagnes

Bourses de campagnes d’InterRidge, maximum de $2000 USD

Pour encourager de nouvelles collaborations entre les pays appartenant à InterRidge
Pour aider les jeunes scientifiques des dorsales à participer aux campagnes de recherche des dorsales médio-océaniques
Pour développer de nouvelles orientations de recherche.

First Active Hydrothermal Vent Fields Discovered at the Equatorial Southern East Pacific Rise

In August-September 2008, the third leg of the 2008 Chinese DY115-20 expedition on board R/V DayangYihao has successfully discovered, for the first time, active hydrothermal vent fields on the fast-spreading Southern East Pacific Rise (SEPR) near the equator. This expedition follows the work of a 2005 expedition by R/V DayangYihao, during which water column turbidity anomalies were measured in the region.

Cruise Database

This is a community-based database displaying metadata from ridge-related research cruises. If you require any additional information on individual cruises, please contact the individual PIs listed.Click here for InterRidge Cruise DatabasePlease email details for upcoming cruises to the InterRidge Coordinator -