
火曜日 8月 30, 2011
Start: 08/30/2011 09:00

SCOR and POGO are in partnership to develop a Science Plan for the IQOE, which may last a decade. The Plan will include:
- background information to document the importance of the issue of sound in the ocean and its effects on marine organisms;
- identify information gaps;
- describe research, observations, and modeling activities needed to fill these gaps.

Early registration deadline: 31 July 2011
Early registration fee: $200 ($100 students)

Regular registration fees (1-30 Aug) $300 ($200 students)


水曜日 8月 31, 2011

SCOR and POGO are in partnership to develop a Science Plan for the IQOE, which may last a decade. The Plan will include:
- background information to document the importance of the issue of sound in the ocean and its effects on marine organisms;
- identify information gaps;
- describe research, observations, and modeling activities needed to fill these gaps.

Early registration deadline: 31 July 2011
Early registration fee: $200 ($100 students)

Regular registration fees (1-30 Aug) $300 ($200 students)


木曜日 9月 01, 2011
Start: 08/30/2011 09:00
End: 09/01/2011 17:30

SCOR and POGO are in partnership to develop a Science Plan for the IQOE, which may last a decade. The Plan will include:
- background information to document the importance of the issue of sound in the ocean and its effects on marine organisms;
- identify information gaps;
- describe research, observations, and modeling activities needed to fill these gaps.

Early registration deadline: 31 July 2011
Early registration fee: $200 ($100 students)

Regular registration fees (1-30 Aug) $300 ($200 students)


水曜日 9月 07, 2011
Start: 09/07/2011 00:00

Partnered with the "CSHL Meeting on Translational Control" The registration and abstract deadline is 3 June 2011. Based on the success of the 2005, 2007 and 2009 meetings here in Heidelberg, and the fact that we will hold the 2011 meeting for the first time in the brand new EMBL Advanced Training Centre http://www.embl.de/atc, we anticipate that this will be a very popular meeting for which early registration is advisable. We invite you to register and submit your abstract as soon as possible via: www.embl.de/training/events/2011/TCR11-01

木曜日 9月 08, 2011

Partnered with the "CSHL Meeting on Translational Control" The registration and abstract deadline is 3 June 2011. Based on the success of the 2005, 2007 and 2009 meetings here in Heidelberg, and the fact that we will hold the 2011 meeting for the first time in the brand new EMBL Advanced Training Centre http://www.embl.de/atc, we anticipate that this will be a very popular meeting for which early registration is advisable. We invite you to register and submit your abstract as soon as possible via: www.embl.de/training/events/2011/TCR11-01

金曜日 9月 09, 2011

Partnered with the "CSHL Meeting on Translational Control" The registration and abstract deadline is 3 June 2011. Based on the success of the 2005, 2007 and 2009 meetings here in Heidelberg, and the fact that we will hold the 2011 meeting for the first time in the brand new EMBL Advanced Training Centre http://www.embl.de/atc, we anticipate that this will be a very popular meeting for which early registration is advisable. We invite you to register and submit your abstract as soon as possible via: www.embl.de/training/events/2011/TCR11-01

土曜日 9月 10, 2011

Partnered with the "CSHL Meeting on Translational Control" The registration and abstract deadline is 3 June 2011. Based on the success of the 2005, 2007 and 2009 meetings here in Heidelberg, and the fact that we will hold the 2011 meeting for the first time in the brand new EMBL Advanced Training Centre http://www.embl.de/atc, we anticipate that this will be a very popular meeting for which early registration is advisable. We invite you to register and submit your abstract as soon as possible via: www.embl.de/training/events/2011/TCR11-01

日曜日 9月 11, 2011
Start: 09/07/2011 00:00
End: 09/11/2011 17:00

Partnered with the "CSHL Meeting on Translational Control" The registration and abstract deadline is 3 June 2011. Based on the success of the 2005, 2007 and 2009 meetings here in Heidelberg, and the fact that we will hold the 2011 meeting for the first time in the brand new EMBL Advanced Training Centre http://www.embl.de/atc, we anticipate that this will be a very popular meeting for which early registration is advisable. We invite you to register and submit your abstract as soon as possible via: www.embl.de/training/events/2011/TCR11-01

月曜日 9月 19, 2011
Start: 09/19/2011 08:30

The OCEANS Conference, jointly sponsored by the Marine Technology Society (MTS) and the Oceanic Engineering Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE/OES), is a major international forum for scientists, engineers, and responsible ocean users to present the latest research results, ideas, developments, and applications in Oceanic Engineering and Marine Technology.


火曜日 9月 20, 2011

The OCEANS Conference, jointly sponsored by the Marine Technology Society (MTS) and the Oceanic Engineering Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE/OES), is a major international forum for scientists, engineers, and responsible ocean users to present the latest research results, ideas, developments, and applications in Oceanic Engineering and Marine Technology.


水曜日 9月 21, 2011

The OCEANS Conference, jointly sponsored by the Marine Technology Society (MTS) and the Oceanic Engineering Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE/OES), is a major international forum for scientists, engineers, and responsible ocean users to present the latest research results, ideas, developments, and applications in Oceanic Engineering and Marine Technology.


木曜日 9月 22, 2011
Start: 09/19/2011 08:30
End: 09/22/2011 17:30

The OCEANS Conference, jointly sponsored by the Marine Technology Society (MTS) and the Oceanic Engineering Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE/OES), is a major international forum for scientists, engineers, and responsible ocean users to present the latest research results, ideas, developments, and applications in Oceanic Engineering and Marine Technology.


Start: 09/22/2011 08:30

This year marks the 80th year of the Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey, and so to celebrate the occasion there will be an international symposium. It will be held on Thursday 22nd & Friday 23rd September 2011 at Plymouth Guildhall, England, UK.

More details

See attached flyer for publicity

金曜日 9月 23, 2011
Start: 09/22/2011 08:30
End: 09/23/2011 17:30

This year marks the 80th year of the Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey, and so to celebrate the occasion there will be an international symposium. It will be held on Thursday 22nd & Friday 23rd September 2011 at Plymouth Guildhall, England, UK.

More details

See attached flyer for publicity

月曜日 9月 26, 2011
Start: 09/26/2011 00:30

New session announced:
"Diversity and function of deep-sea ecosystems: from micro- to macro-organisms”.

Conveners: Evina Gontikaki, Ursula Witte, Roberto Danovaro, Paul Snelgrove and Kim Juniper

火曜日 9月 27, 2011

New session announced:
"Diversity and function of deep-sea ecosystems: from micro- to macro-organisms”.

Conveners: Evina Gontikaki, Ursula Witte, Roberto Danovaro, Paul Snelgrove and Kim Juniper

水曜日 9月 28, 2011

New session announced:
"Diversity and function of deep-sea ecosystems: from micro- to macro-organisms”.

Conveners: Evina Gontikaki, Ursula Witte, Roberto Danovaro, Paul Snelgrove and Kim Juniper