InterRidge: Third Decadal Plan 2014-2023 discussion meeting

Please make every effort to attend the InterRidge Third Decade Planning meeting in San Francisco this December (just prior to the Fall AGU). InterRidge is YOUR programme. And this meeting is YOUR chance to influence its priorities over the next decade.

The successes of InterRidge are the successes of the whole ridge community. There is currently a rapidly growing economic and political interest in ridges and their resources. This pushes ridge science up the political and economic agenda and, as a result, the role of InterRidge is becoming ever more important. What do you think the big issues for ridge science are? 

Check out the meeting agenda, register, and have YOUR say at:

Meeting details: Parc 55 Wyndham Hotel, 55 Cyril Magnin Street, San Francisco
Saturday 3 December 2011
Start: 08:30 for 09:00 with coffee
Ends: 1800