Call for proposals of new InterRidge Working Groups

InterRidge plays a major role in triggering ridge-related science through its Working Groups (WG). Such WGs are appointed for a limited time on specific ridge-related scientific topics. The InterRidge Office is pleased to announce a call for proposals of new InterRidge Working Groups.

The InterRidge WGs play an essential role in promoting, facilitating, and coordinating new researches that focus on a theme of emerging scientific promise or are conducted in a unique geographic setting along global ridge-crests. Such researches should significantly benefit from the InterRidge coordination. A typical WG is coordinated by two co-chairs and gathers about ten active members reflecting the national and disciplinary diversity of InterRidge. The WGs work closely with the InterRidge Steering Committee and the InterRidge Office. They convene group meetings and community-wide workshops, promote and coordinate new cruises, experiments, and related work.

Proposals should be no more than two-page long and describe the WG objectives, importance and timeliness to ridge-related science, available and required means, and expected achievements. The new WGs should substantially differ in objective from the existing or former WGs. Each proposal should have at least four proponents from at least three InterRidge member countries. Cross-disciplinary proposals will be given special attention. Successful proposals will receive support from the InterRidge Office and funding for one workshop.

This invitation is open to the whole international community. All proposals will be reviewed and the new WGs will be appointed by the InterRidge Steering Committee at its next meeting in Summer 2017. Proposals should be sent by e-mail to the InterRidge Office by Friday 9th June 2017.

The InterRidge Office