Investigate the gas and fluid chemistry of hydrothermal systems on the superfast-spreading region of the East Pacific Rise from 17 deg 30 min S to 21 deg 30 min S, and to place the composition of these fluids within the context of what we have previously observed at slow, medium and fast spreading regions of the mid-ocean ridge system.
Science Activities:In addition to samples for fluid chemistry, we will collect basalt, sulfide, and biological samples for analysis. We will also carry out near-field mapping to place the hydrothermal vents within a geological context. The night science activities include CTD work to identify dive targets and to study chemical and microbiological transformations within the hydrothermal plumes. In addition, we will take rock cores and conduct a limited number of camera tows to better define dive targets.
Collect water, sulfide and basalt samples as well as plume studies, biological sampling, rock coring and geological mapping.