Long-Range Exploration Workshop, Southampton, UK

06/28/2010 00:30
06/30/2010 17:30

Registration will open beginning of May 2010.

The IR Long-Range Exploration Working Group (http://www.interridge.org/WG/Exploration) is holding an international workshop on long-range exploration of oceanic spreading centers, including mid-ocean ridges and back-arc basin systems. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together scientists and technologists to plan international programs for hypothesis-driven exploration of large regions of the ocean ridge crests and flanks. The workshop will be held on 28-30 June 2010 in Southampton, UK, and Colin Devey (IFM-GEOMAR, Germany) and Chris German (WHOI, USA) will serve as the co-conveners. Further details at: http://www.interridge.org/en/WG/Exploration/workshop2010