Goldschmidt 2007 - "atoms to planets"
August 19 - 24, 2007
Cologne, Germany
Conference Information
The Goldschmidt Conference is the premier annual meeting in geochemistry. The 17th annual meeting will be held in August 2007 at the University of Cologne in Germany and will be in association with the Annual Meeting of the German Mineralogical Society. This will be the second German Goldschmidt, following the 1996 meeting in Heidelberg.
Goldschmidt 2007 - "atoms to planets"
August 19 - 24, 2007
Cologne, Germany
Conference Information
The Goldschmidt Conference is the premier annual meeting in geochemistry. The 17th annual meeting will be held in August 2007 at the University of Cologne in Germany and will be in association with the Annual Meeting of the German Mineralogical Society. This will be the second German Goldschmidt, following the 1996 meeting in Heidelberg.
Goldschmidt 2007 - "atoms to planets"
August 19 - 24, 2007
Cologne, Germany
Conference Information
The Goldschmidt Conference is the premier annual meeting in geochemistry. The 17th annual meeting will be held in August 2007 at the University of Cologne in Germany and will be in association with the Annual Meeting of the German Mineralogical Society. This will be the second German Goldschmidt, following the 1996 meeting in Heidelberg.
Goldschmidt 2007 - "atoms to planets"
August 19 - 24, 2007
Cologne, Germany
Conference Information
The Goldschmidt Conference is the premier annual meeting in geochemistry. The 17th annual meeting will be held in August 2007 at the University of Cologne in Germany and will be in association with the Annual Meeting of the German Mineralogical Society. This will be the second German Goldschmidt, following the 1996 meeting in Heidelberg.
Goldschmidt 2007 - "atoms to planets"
August 19 - 24, 2007
Cologne, Germany
Conference Information
The Goldschmidt Conference is the premier annual meeting in geochemistry. The 17th annual meeting will be held in August 2007 at the University of Cologne in Germany and will be in association with the Annual Meeting of the German Mineralogical Society. This will be the second German Goldschmidt, following the 1996 meeting in Heidelberg.
Goldschmidt 2007 - "atoms to planets"
August 19 - 24, 2007
Cologne, Germany
Conference Information
The Goldschmidt Conference is the premier annual meeting in geochemistry. The 17th annual meeting will be held in August 2007 at the University of Cologne in Germany and will be in association with the Annual Meeting of the German Mineralogical Society. This will be the second German Goldschmidt, following the 1996 meeting in Heidelberg.
IRTI 2007 Workshop Report (PDF, 614KB)
Working Group Participants
The goal of this Theoretical Institute was to encourage multidisciplinary convergence in the study of interactions occurring at deep-sea vent sites between the biological and chemical components of the environment, and to increase collaborative efforts to develop new techniques for making key measurements to achieve this goal. The InterRidge Theoretical Institute was held at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and was comprised of two parts: 2 days of Short Courses and Advanced Lectures; and 3 days of Workshops.
IRTI 2007 Workshop Report (PDF, 614KB)
Working Group Participants
The goal of this Theoretical Institute was to encourage multidisciplinary convergence in the study of interactions occurring at deep-sea vent sites between the biological and chemical components of the environment, and to increase collaborative efforts to develop new techniques for making key measurements to achieve this goal. The InterRidge Theoretical Institute was held at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and was comprised of two parts: 2 days of Short Courses and Advanced Lectures; and 3 days of Workshops.
IRTI 2007 Workshop Report (PDF, 614KB)
Working Group Participants
The goal of this Theoretical Institute was to encourage multidisciplinary convergence in the study of interactions occurring at deep-sea vent sites between the biological and chemical components of the environment, and to increase collaborative efforts to develop new techniques for making key measurements to achieve this goal. The InterRidge Theoretical Institute was held at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and was comprised of two parts: 2 days of Short Courses and Advanced Lectures; and 3 days of Workshops.
Geoitalia 2007
Rimini, Italy
12th-14th September 2007
There will be a thematic session on Ophiolites and Modern Oceanic Lithosphere that will be held at the Sixth Italian Forum of Earth Sciences which will be followed by a field trip to Corsica ophiolites (16th-21nd September 2007).
IRTI 2007 Workshop Report (PDF, 614KB)
Working Group Participants
The goal of this Theoretical Institute was to encourage multidisciplinary convergence in the study of interactions occurring at deep-sea vent sites between the biological and chemical components of the environment, and to increase collaborative efforts to develop new techniques for making key measurements to achieve this goal. The InterRidge Theoretical Institute was held at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and was comprised of two parts: 2 days of Short Courses and Advanced Lectures; and 3 days of Workshops.
Geoitalia 2007
Rimini, Italy
12th-14th September 2007
There will be a thematic session on Ophiolites and Modern Oceanic Lithosphere that will be held at the Sixth Italian Forum of Earth Sciences which will be followed by a field trip to Corsica ophiolites (16th-21nd September 2007).
IRTI 2007 Workshop Report (PDF, 614KB)
Working Group Participants
The goal of this Theoretical Institute was to encourage multidisciplinary convergence in the study of interactions occurring at deep-sea vent sites between the biological and chemical components of the environment, and to increase collaborative efforts to develop new techniques for making key measurements to achieve this goal. The InterRidge Theoretical Institute was held at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and was comprised of two parts: 2 days of Short Courses and Advanced Lectures; and 3 days of Workshops.
Geoitalia 2007
Rimini, Italy
12th-14th September 2007
There will be a thematic session on Ophiolites and Modern Oceanic Lithosphere that will be held at the Sixth Italian Forum of Earth Sciences which will be followed by a field trip to Corsica ophiolites (16th-21nd September 2007).
Field trip to Corsica (France) from 16th to 21st September 2007 organized by the Italian Working Group on Mediterranean Ophiolites (G.L.O.M.)
The field trip will focus on the ophiolites from the Jurassic Ligurian Tethys which are considered as on-land analogues of modern ultraslow-spreading ridges and on the metamorphic history of the European continental margin of the Ligurian Tethys represented by the Tenda massif. Anyone interested in participating please email to Alessandra Montanini ( alessandra.montanini@unipr.it)