
понедельник февраля 20, 2012
Start: 02/16/2012 08:30
End: 02/20/2012 17:30

Session: Marine Biological Diversity: Who Owns the Greatest Reservoir of Unexplored Diversity?

The ownership and exploitation of marine genetic resources is a complex subject at the intersection of Science, Industry, Policy and International Law. Communicating the serious issues surrounding this topic requires a diverse span of expertise that ranges from an inventory of genetic resources in the ocean to the ownership of intellectual property derived from bioprospecting. The proposed speakers have been selected based on their knowledge of the issues associated with marine genetic resources and their equitable distribution.

Website: http://www.sgmeet.com/osm2012/session_categories.asp
Sessions of interest:
Session: Deep-Sea Conservation Imperatives in the 21st Century

вторник февраля 21, 2012

Website: http://www.sgmeet.com/osm2012/session_categories.asp
Sessions of interest:
Session: Deep-Sea Conservation Imperatives in the 21st Century

среда февраля 22, 2012

Website: http://www.sgmeet.com/osm2012/session_categories.asp
Sessions of interest:
Session: Deep-Sea Conservation Imperatives in the 21st Century

четверг февраля 23, 2012

Website: http://www.sgmeet.com/osm2012/session_categories.asp
Sessions of interest:
Session: Deep-Sea Conservation Imperatives in the 21st Century

пятница февраля 24, 2012
Start: 02/19/2012 08:30
End: 02/24/2012 08:30

Website: http://www.sgmeet.com/osm2012/session_categories.asp
Sessions of interest:
Session: Deep-Sea Conservation Imperatives in the 21st Century

среда марта 14, 2012