
General Information about Interridge

Bibliography of ultraslow spreading-related papers

Download PDF compiled through 2005 Here

List below includes articles through 2008 (not comprehensive)

Baker, E.T. et al., 2004. Hydrothermal venting in magma deserts; the ultraslow-spreading Gakkel and Southwest Indian Ridges. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems - G (super 3), vol.5, no.8, 29 pp., 18 Aug 2004.
Brozena, J.M. et al., 2003. New aerogeophysical study of the Eurasia Basin and Lomonosov Ridge; implications for basin development. Geology (Boulder), vol.31, no.9, pp.825-828, Sep 2003.

2007 Update

InterRidge Working Group Update
Monitoring and Observatories

(May 2007)

Working Group Members:
Javier Escartin (Chair) , IPG, France
Ricardo Santos (Co-Chair), University of Azores, Azores
Kyohiko Mitsuzawa , JAMSTEC , Japan
Pierre-Marie Sarradin IFREMER , France
Adam Schultz , NSF , USA
Paul Snelgrove , Univ. Newfoundland , Canada
Paul Tyler , National Oceanography Centre , UK

The MOMAR Working Group, after the last meeting, has been inactive for the following reasons:

Event Detection and Response and Observatories working group

Chair: Chris Fox

Working Group Members:
Japan - Kyohiko Mitsuzawa

This working group was active between 1995 and 2001 to develop detection methods of transient ridge-crest seismic, volcanic and hydrothermal events, and the logistical responses to them through a strategy of international collaboration, and establish a long-term observatory in the Atlantic. This working group developed into the current working group "Monitoring and Observatories"

2001 - ED&R Working Group Update

4-D Architecture of the Oceanic Lithosphere

Chair: Jian Lin

Working Group Members:
UK - Simon Allerton
USA - Donna Blackman
France - Mathilde Cannat
France - Jerome Dyment
France - Pascal Gente
Canada - Kathryn M. Gillis
Spain - Eulalia Gracia
USA - Peter Kelemen
UK - Lindsay Parson
Japan - Nobukazu Seama
UK - Martin C. Sinha
USA - Maya Tolstoy

This working group was active between 1996 and 2004 and had hte objective to promote international efforts to constrain the composition and structure of the oceanic lithosphere, and their along- and across-axis variability.

Southwest Indian Ridge Working Group

Chair: Catherine Mével

Working Group Members:
Spain - Miquel Canals
India - Rajendra Kumar Drolia
UK - Chris German
USA - Nancy Grindlay
Japan - Toshihiko Kanazawa
USA - Charlie Langmuir
South Africa - Anton Le Roex
UK - Chris MacLeod
Germany - Jonathan Snow
USA - Cindy Lee Van Dover

2004 Report - Mid-Ocean Ridge Ecosystems

Six working group members participated in a two-day meeting : Dr Gebruk from Russia, F. Zal from France, Anna Metaxas from Canada and Dr Jung Ho Hyun from Korea and the 2 co-chairs, F Gaill from France and K Juniper from Canada. Paul Tyler from UK was unable to attend because of flight cancellations, while Manuel Biscoito of Portugal and Olav Giere of Germany sent apologies. There was no news from Tim Shank of the USA and Ken Takai of Japan. Colin Devey, the new chair of InterRidge from the University of Bremen participated in discussions during the second day of the meeting.

Hotspot-Ridge Interactions

Hotspot-Ridge Interactions

Chair: Jian Lin, USA, Jerome Dyment, France

Working Group Members:
Spain - Eulalia Gracia
USA - David Graham
Japan - Nobukazu Seama
USA - Garrett Ito
UK - Bramley Murton
Germany - Kaj Hoernle
India - Rajendra Kumar Drolia
Iceland - Freysteinn Sigmundsson
Portugal - Joaquim Freire Luis
France - Javier Escartín

Meso-Scales Studies Working Group Meeting Summary

Back-Arc Basin Studies Workshop

11-13 October 1993 - Seattle, USA

Co-Convenors: Julian Pearce and Kensaku Tamaki

Back Arc Basins Working Group

Chair: Sang-Mook Lee

Working Group Members:
USA - Fernando Martinez (Univ of Hawaii)
USA - Anna-Louise Reysenbach (Portland State Univ)
USA - Wiebke Ziebis (Univ of Southern California)
Canada - Steve Scott (Univ of Toronto)
USA - Ivan Savov (Smithonian Institution)
USA - Carol Chin (Oregon State Univ)
Japan - Kei Okamura (University of Kyoto)
Japan - Toshiro Yamanaka (Kyushu University)
Japan - Toshiya Fujiwara (JAMSTEC)
China - Huaiyang Zhou (Guangzhou Institute for Geochemistry)

1995 Ad Hoc Committee Workshop

Biological Studies Ad Hoc Committee Workshop Summary

Biological Studies at the Mid-Ocean Ridge Crest
Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
24th-25th April, 1995

Convenors: D. Desbruyères and R.A. Lutz

Ocean Lithosphere & Scientific Drilling into the 21st Century, 1996

Symposium Summary

ODP-InterRidge-IAVCEI Symposium: Ocean Lithosphere &
Scientific Drilling into the 21st Century

North Falmouth, MA, USA, 26th - 28th May 1996
Conveners: Henry J. B. Dick and Catherine Mével

2003 Update

Reprinted from InterRidge News 12.1 (Apr. 2003)

2001 Update

Reprinted from InterRidge News 10.2 (Nov. 2001)

The InterRidge Biology Working Group met in Brest, France on October 7, during the the InterRidge Hydrothermal Vent Biology Symposium. Members discussed possible topics for future work of the newly reconstituted working group and identified the following items for near-term action:

1) Code of Conduct/Best Practices Statement

2000 Update

Reprinted from InterRidge News 9.1 (Apr. 2000)

Lauren Mullineaux (lmullineaux@whoi.edu)
Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole MA 02543, USA

The last Biology Working Group update in the IR News was November 1999; since then the group has concentrated on two major topics: organizing a workshop on Management of Hydrothermal Vents, and planning of the 2nd International Symposium on Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Biology.

Management of Hydrothermal Vent Ecosystems Workshop