The InterRidge Office is hosted by the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (see and is led by two co-chairs Jérôme Dyment (IPGP) and Nadine Le Bris (Université Pierre et Marie Curie - UPMC). The coordinator is Kamil Szafrański.
InterRidge granted observer status at the ISA
InterRidge has been granted observer status at the ISA, allowing InterRidge to be present at public meetings of the Assembly and by invitation, to make oral statements on issues of concern, although it will not be able to participate in decision-making. This increases our links with the ISA and will strengthen our ability to engage with developing countries, which remains one of InterRidge’s main challenges.
Reform of InterRidge in 2014
A reform plan for the new structure of the InterRidge membership fees and privileges of each member countries was adopted at the 2014 InterRidge Steering Committee in Beijing, China on 27-28 September 2014.
InterRidge's Code of Conduct
Read InterRidge's Code of Conduct on responsible behaviour at hydrothermal vents.
Vent-fluid sampling using isobaric gas-tight samplers from the 403°C Beebe Vent #3, Piccard Hydrothermal Field, Mid Cayman Rise. Photo courtesy of C.R. German, copyright WHOI.
Announcing the new Chairs and next location of the InterRidge Office
The UK InterRidge Office is delighted to announce that a proposal to host the InterRidge Office led by Prof John Chen (School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing) and Dr Jiabiao Li (Second Institute of Oceanography, Hangzhou) was approved at the recent InterRidge Steering Committee meeting held in St Petersburg, Russia (2-3rd June, 2012). From January 2013, John Chen will be InterRidge Chair with Jiabiao Li as Co-Chair. Both have long and well-established careers in Marine Science and mid-ocean ridge research.
InterRidge StComm meeting, St Petersburg, 2-3 June
At this meeting we will be finalising InterRidge's Third Decadal Plan and deciding on the next InterRidge office for 2013-15. If you have any items you wish to be discussed, please contact the iR Office (
Third Decadal Plan - draft now open for comments
In 2011 InterRidge initiated a discussion online and at a meeting attached to AGU, to identify the major science questions it was felt InterRidge should address in the next decade. A draft of the Third Decadal Plan 2014-23 is now available for consultation by the InterRidge community.
InterRidge StComm meeting, St Petersburg, 2-3 June
I have block booked a number of rooms in two hotels. I cannot make your actual room booking as passport copies are required and prepayment is needed in some cases.
2011 Steering Committee
Chair - Bramley Murton | Co-Chair - Jon Copley |
China- Jiabiao Li | Japan- Hide Kumagai |