5th International Serpentine Days Workshop in Sestri Levante (Genova, Italy)

The Fifth International Serpentine Days Workshop will be held in Sestri Levante (Genova, Italy) on September 21-24 2020.

It aims at gathering scientists interested in the geological, physical and (bio-) chemical processes of serpentinization and the life it sustains, its impact on development of mineral resources, of new energy sources and the environmental and societal impact of serpentine exploration and exploitation.

The workshop will be held in the Hotel Vis a Vis offering a great sea view on the gulf of Sestri Levante, 40 km east of Genova and accessible by train from the airports of Genova, Pisa and Milano.


1 - Serpentinite and tectonics

2 - Serpentinite in seismicity

3 - Ophiolites and drilling projects (e.g. Oman) as field observatories

4 - Serpentinization and geochemical cycling (carbon storage, redox, volatiles, trace elements, isotope tracers)

5 - Serpentinite-hosted deep biosphere

6 - Serpentinization in early Earth and beyond Earth

7 - Geo-hazard of Natural Occurrences of Asbestos in Serpentine

8 - Economic aspects of serpentine (ore deposits, hydrogen production)

Sessions will be addressed by invited keynote speakers

Conference fees and budgets are managed by the Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology (SIMP) and participants should subscribe to it at the cost of 50 €, that includes the yearly association to SIMP and the subscription to Elements and to the European Journal of Mineralogy. Below we provide quotations for SIMP members and non-members.

Fees vary according to the accommodation and include abstract fees, food and accommodation for the duration of the workshop (Arrival: Sunday September 20 evening; Departure: Friday September 25 morning; 5 nights).


Triple room

Double room

Single room

SIMP Members

PhD Students


520 €


600 €


950 €

Senior Scientists


750 €

950 €

Non members

PhD Students


570 €


650 €


1000 €

Senior Scientists


800 €


Post-workshop field trip. A 2-days optional field trip is organized in the Northern Apennines (day 1) and in the Ligurian Alps (day 2) for maximum 40 participants. Participants will be selected on a first-registered, first-served basis if there are more than 40 applicants. The excursions will be daily and participants will remain settled at Vis a Vis hotel in Sestri Levante.

The Northern Apennine ophiolites are a fossil section of slow-spreading oceanic lithosphere recording shallow mantle exposure, serpentinization and carbonation; the Alpine Erro-Tobbio peridotite records prograde subduction metamorphism and dehydration of serpentinized mantle.

Excursion fees 259 € for participants in triple room, 319 € for participants in double and 469 € for participants in single room, and include transport, food and three more nights at the Vis a Vis hotel.

The Organizing committee

Marco Scambelluri (Genova University, Italy), Alberto Vitale-Brovarone (Torino University, Italy/IMPMC-CNRS, France), Oliver Plümper (Utrecht University, The Netherlands), Alexis Templeton (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA), Nadège Hilairet (Lille University, France)

The Scientific committee

Alberto Vitale Brovarone (Torino University, Italy/IMPMC-CNRS, France), Marco Scambelluri (Genova University), Nadège Hilairet (Lille University); Alexis Templeton (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA), Oliver Plümper (Utrecht University, The Netherlands), Agnès Elmaleh, (Sorbonne Université/IMPMC, France), Marguerite Godard (Geosciences Montpellier, France); Julie Huber (WHOI, USA), Cerentin Le Guillou, (Lille University, France), Isabelle Daniel (University Lyon1, France), William Brazelton (The University of Uath, USA); Muriel Andreani (Université Lyon1, France), Francesco Turci (Torino University, Italy)

More information at

