Long-Range Exploration

Objective: Thirty years after the discovery of deep-sea hydrothermal vents, it is estimated that less than 10% of the global ridge crest has been mapped in detail or investigated systematically for hydrothermal venting. With the advent of routinely available AUV technology in a number of the world’s leading marine scientific institutions, we believe it is timely to propose placing hydrothermal exploration and the associated mapping of the ridge axis, on a new quantitative, regional- to global-scale footing. The plan for this WG is to identify vehicles with the necessary reliability, depth and endurance capability for long-range exploration of the mid-ocean ridge, define standard sensor packages and standardise calibration and data processing, develop a cruise plan, and identify the most urgent targets for such exploration work.

Chair - Colin Devey (IFM-GEOMAR, Germany)

Group Members - Chris German (WHOI, USA), Sidney Mello (Univ. Federal Fluminense, Brazil), Lucia Campos (Univ. Federal do Rio de Janiero, Brazil), Anton le Roex (Univ. Cape Town, South Africa), Cindy Van Dover (Duke University, USA), Gwyn Griffiths (NOC, Southampton, UK), Koichi Nakamura (AIST, Japan), Hidenori Kumagai (IFREE, JAMSTEC, Japan), Jiabiao Li (2nd Inst. of Oceanog., China), Marcia Maia (Univ. Brest, France)

(Working Group formed in 2008)

Translations of mission statement: FrenchGermanKorean; Spanish

2010 Long-Range Exploration Workshop

Long-Range Exploration of the Ridge Crest


2008 Update

Long-Range Ridge Exploration
Working Group Update 2008

Chair - C. Devey (IFM-GEOMAR, Germany)

The WG for Long-Range Ridge Exploration was formed in 2008 and currently includes members from 8 countries (Brazil, China, France, Germany, Japan, South Africa, UK, and USA). The plan for this WG is to identify vehicles with the necessary reliability, depth and endurance capability for long-range exploration of the mid-ocean ridge, define standard sensor packages and standardise calibration and data processing,

Long-Range Exploration WG Discussion

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2007 Long-Range Exploration WG proposal

Click here to access the Long-Range Exploration WG proposal