Circum-Antarctic Ridges: InterRidge International Workshop, Toulouse, France

09/28/2011 07:00
09/30/2011 18:00

Workshop report - posted March 2012

11 September 2011 Abstract submission for oral or poster presentation
11 September 2011 Registration (free except for field trip to Pyrenees and Conference Dinner). Some financial support will be available for students and early career scientists. Please apply via the registration form.
Venue: Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees, 14 Avenue Edouard Belin, Toulouse, France

Registration and abstract submission
Workshop Participants
Programme (provisional)
List of posters (Poster size is A0 Portrait , boards are 1.20m wide, 1.70m high)
Fieldtrip details
Fieldtrip participants
Hotel information
Transport information
e-ticket for direct shuttle bus from airport to OMP (does not go downtown)
Map of downtown Toulouse
The Conference Dinner will be on Thursday at:
Restaurant Le Si Bémol (Menu)
17, Place Dupuy
Web site:

40 Euros per person, wine and coffee included (1 bottle for 4 persons)


Scientific rationale
The mid-ocean ridges around Antarctica have been poorly surveyed, mostly because of their location in high latitudes and areas of rough seas. However, circum-Antarctic Ridges are unique due to their shallow water depths, ultra-slow or intermediate spreading rate, and complicated series of transform offsets compared to low-latitude ridges. A number of scientific issues at various scales in space and time are ideally addressed in these areas, such as:
➢ the boundaries and fluxes between the « Pacific-Atlantic» and «Indian » mantle domains
➢ the along-axis variability in ridge morphology, magma supply and basalt chemistry at constant spreading rate
➢ the migration and exchanges between biological communities
Circum-Antarctic ridges represent over one third of the global mid-ocean ridge system. They remain the last unknown sections of ridge, but a lot of science cruises occur in the southern ocean, involving mostly oceanographic studies. It is time to focus an international effort to survey these ridges, to discover new tectonic contexts, new hydrothermal vents, new species and new ways to connect all these. These ridges will most probably have an important place in the IR research objectives for the next decade. It is essential that the community discusses these issues prior to the December 2011 meeting.

Objectives of the meeting:
The meeting will have first a review of the state of the art of the mid-ocean ridge research in the Southern ocean, then presentations and discussions on scientific issues that are unique, or that would be ideally addressed in the southern mid-ocean ridges. The meeting will have a number of oral and poster presentations, and a large part of discussion, not only on specific scientific issues, but also on specific techniques required to survey in the southern ocean, especially in high latitudes, and on the essential coordination of cruise plans.
The Circum-Antarctic Ridges InterRidge Workshop will aim at:
➢ Reviewing the state of the art of the research on Circum-Antarctic ridges
➢ Reviewing important scientific issues covering geosciences to biology
➢ Reviewing the latest tools and technical possibilities which can allow work in these challenging latitudes
➢ Encouraging a collaborating effort between various IR countries to address these specific issues
➢ Forming an IR Working group on Circum-Antarctic ridge research

Visitor information about Toulouse
Berges-Daurade-250Capitol-250Scientific Organising Committee
Anne Briais
Sung-Hyun Park
Valerie Chavagnac
David Graham
Barry Hanan
Christophe Hemond
Jian Lin
Marcia Maia
Daniel Sauter
Chunhui Tao
Local Organising Committee
Anne Briais
Nicole Lestieu
Anne-Marie Cousin
Valerie Chavagnac
Adelle Delacour
Georges Ceuleneer
