A voyage to the Kermadec arc and Havre Trough on the research vessel Tangaroa will be conducted in October 2012. This is a multidisciplinary voyage that aims to: 1) acquire multichannel seismic reflection data on Kermadec arc ridges, including a pseudo-3-dimensional experiment on Brothers Volcano; 2) collect multibeam echo-sounder data – including the entire water column - over seamounts and rifts; and 3) collect rock and biological specimens from Havre Trough rifts. The data will be used to develop models for the formation of the Kermadec arc and rifting of the Havre Trough, and to assess the biota of deep rifts. The voyage leader is Richard Wysoczanski (NIWA) and the voyage runs from Oct 9 – Nov 1.
Please contact Richard Wysoczanski directly for more information. r.wysoczanski@niwa.co.nz
Applicants need to send to the InterRidge Office an application form, CV and letter of support from their advisor. Open until filled. Details at http://www.interridge.org/cruisebursary