Final report from the InterRidge Workshop on Seamounts and Islands Associated With Mid-Ocean Ridges

Final Report from the Workshop of The InterRidge Working Group on Seamounts and Islands Associated With Mid-Ocean Ridges (19-21 September 2019)

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Seamounts are large underwater mountains, here considered more than 1 km high, which can be formed by either volcanic or tectonic processes. Seamounts and islands associated with mid-ocean ridges are sites of great interest for researchers from a variety of scientific disciplines. Researchers commonly require data and knowledge from other disciplines to make progress, hence work can be highly multidisciplinary in this field. A workshop was therefore convened to address these special environments and the interdisciplinary nature of the research, with a particular focus on future work. The workshop was held over three days at the Convento das Trinas, a former convent now occupied by the Instituto Hidrográfico, the Portuguese Hydrographic Office in Lisbon. For the first day and a half, researchers presented talks and posters. Subsequently, the attendees worked on subject-specific priorities within breakout groups and finally discussed collectively ways for the community to move the subjects forward through collaboration, new fieldwork, and data and knowledge sharing.

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