The international congress "Shaping the Future – Deep-Sea Minerals and Mining" will take place from 9th to 12th of March at the Institute of Mineralogy and Economic Geology (RWTH-Aachen University), Germany, followed by an excursion on 13th of March.
Conveners: Prof. Dr. F.M. Meyer, Prof. Dr. P.N. Martens, Aachen and Prof. Dr. P.E. Halbach, Berlin.
Due to strong increase in demand for metallic raw materials, the marine ocean floor deposits are again in the centre of interest of many international raw materials experts. This interest does not only focus on the base and precious metals but also on a number of strategically important metals (e.g. Co, Ni, In, Ga, Mo, Se and Te). Research and development in this field will influence the industrial future and economic potential of many countries worldwide. Thus, it is our aim to bring together geoscientists, engineers and raw materials economists as well as students of the respective fields for lecturing and a following interdisciplinary discussion platform.
The following target fields are considered:
Target Field 1: Manganese Nodules and Crusts,
Target Field 2: Seafloor Massive Sulfides,
Target Field 3: Mineral Economics of DSM – Challenges and Opportunities,
Target Field 4: Deep-Sea Mining Concepts and Processing.
Poster sessions will take place on 10th and 11th of March in the afternoon. Posters will be shown during the whole conference.
Workshop: Mining Methods for Nodules, Crusts, and SMS Minerals, Ore processing and Metallurgy – Chances and Constraints.
The workshop will take place on 12th of March (10.30 to 13.00) after the four target sessions.