Holden/Butterfield: biogeochemistry and microbiology of Axial Seamount and the Endeavour ISS; Di Iorio: sample hydrothermal vents of the Main Endeavour vent field for flow, temperature and cross sectional area of coalesced plume; specifically, hydrothermal vent plume of Grotto in the Main Endeavour vent Field and to recover and redeploy two acoustic scintillation moorings.
Holden, J./OCE07-32611/Collaborative Research: Modeling Hyperthermophile Growth in Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Sulfide Deposits and Diffuse Fluids; Di Iorio/CAREER: Hydrothermal vent flow and temperature fluctuations: exploring long-term variability through an integrated research and education program (acoustic scintillation); Butterfield/Long-term monitoring of hydrothermal activity at Axial Volcano; Alvin dives 4438-4453