New InterRidge Coordinator

Dear InterRidge members,

My name is Kamil Szafrański and I am the new coordinator of our program. In close cooperation with the program co-chairs Jérôme Dyment and Nadine Le Bris, I will coordinate the InterRidge activities and I will be your contact person until the IR Office stays in France.

Let me briefly present myself. After my Master studies in Molecular and Cell Biology, fulfilled in 2008 at Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC) in Paris, I worked as a research engineer in plant sciences at Warsaw University of Life Sciences in Poland. In 2011, under the frame of the the EU project Initial Training Network ‘SYMBIOMICS’, I moved back to Paris and obtained my PhD in marine microbiology at UPMC in 2014. My PhD research focused on symbioses between chemosynthetic bacteria and bivalves from deep-sea chemosynthesis-based ecosystems. I participated in two cruises on Mid-Atlantic Ridge on R/V Pourquoi Pas?, where I performed in vivo experiments on Bathymodiolus mussels recovered and maintained on board in high-pressure aquariums. After a 2-year post-doc in microbial ecology in the French National Center for Scientific Research in Orsay, I have been selected for the position of coordinator with the aim of contributing to InterRidge program.

Starting from now we will resume the bimonthly e-newsletter and update the website, please send me all the relevant information you would like to disseminate within the community.

Feel free to contact me with all your questions, information and administrative tasks concerning the InterRidge program at

I look forward to hearing from you!

Kind regards,

Kamil Szafrański