Workshop "Advances in ocean observations โ€“ sustained system for deep-sea meroplankton" in Aveiro (Portugal)

The workshop "Advances in ocean observations โ€“ sustained system for deep-sea meroplankton" will take place in Aveiro University (Portugal) from May 27th to 29th 2019. The objectives of the workshop are: 1) to summarize knowledge and recent progresses on the distribution and biology of deep-sea larvae (the major part of meroplankton), and available instruments and technologies dedicated to the observation of plankton in surface and deep waters; 2) to develop a strategy to implement technological innovations for in-situ observations allowing larval distribution characterization at multiple scales. Combined with biophysical oceanographic modelling these observations will provide accurate, reliable and cost-efficient data for deep-sea realms. Ultimately, the goal for this workshop is to foster the advancement of knowledge on invertebrate larval distributions to improve model predictions of connectivity and resilience of benthic communities to natural and human impacts. Experts from different disciplins will participate: biologists specialized on larval ecology and genetics, engineers and scientists working on underwater instruments & technology, specialists of oceanographic modelling, partners of the EMSO observatory. (Organizers : Luciana Genio/ Marina Cunha, Joan Company/Morane Henry, Florence Pradillon ; Fundings : Euromarine, InterRidge, Isblue, University of Aveiro, Ifremer, CSIC)