Details about the IR workshop on "Hydrothermal Ore-forming Processes" in Hangzou (China)

The 1st international workshop organized by the InterRidge Working Group on Seafloor Massive Sulfides Resource along MOR is going to be held at Braim Canal Hotel between 19 and 22 September, 2019, in Hangzhou, China. The theme is “Hydrothermal ore-forming processes and the fate of SMS deposits along slow and ultraslow spreading MOR”. This workshop aims to understand several key scientific questions related to hydrothermal circulation mechanisms and the geological factors that contribute to the formation, distribution and preservation of SMS deposits along different spreading MOR. The Working Group hopes to capture the known/unknown BIG questions and identify future ways to address them through this workshop.

Please read the notice containg all the information about the workshop (venue, registration, accommodation, contact information and the Meeting Agenda...)

We are sincerely looking forward to seeing you in Hangzhou soon!

InterRidge Workshop on Hydrothermal Ore-forming Processes_2nd Notice.pdf253.86 KB