Other Publications


2012 - Ridge 2000 Special Issue of Oceanography
The Ridge 2000 Special Issue of Oceanography Magazine is available online. The full issue pdf and pdfs of individual articles in the issue are available free of charge via The Oceanography Society website: http://tos.org/oceanography/archive/25-1.html.
We encourage you to make use of this excellent compendium of oceanic spreading center science and summary of Ridge 2000 Program results.

2007 - Oceanography Special Issue

InterRidge has spearheaded an entire Special Issue of  Oceanography magazine that was published in  March 2007. The issue features 15  ridge-related topics written by members of the InterRidge  community. Oceanography is a scientific magazine, not a technical journal, and  the  issue is a comprehensive resource for the science community covering the  latest  in ridge science. The issue is cosponsored by InterRidge, NSF, NOAA,  ChEss, and  the German DeRidge program. Copies of this issue may be ordered  using Oceanography Magazine's Back Issue Order form. The price per copy is $10.  For a bulk purchase price on ten or more copies, contact info@tos.org.


2006 Handbook of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Fauna - Back-Arc Spreading Systems - Geological, Biological, Chemical, and Physical Interactions Editors - David M. Christie, Charles R. Fisher, Sang-Mook Lee, and Sharon Givens 

The creation of new oceanic crust at divergent tectonic plate boundaries, most commonly known as mid-ocean ridges, has been a focus of intensive multi-disciplinary scientific study for many years. Paradoxically, new oceanic crust is also created, albeit in smaller amounts, as an adjunct to the destruction of old oceanic crust by subduction at oceanic convergent plate boundaries. This type of crustal creation occurs in narrow extensional back-arc basins that parallel oceanic island arcs on the side away from the subducting plate. Back-arc basin crust is created along spreading centers that closely resemble mid-ocean ridges in their form and function. Back-arc basin spreading centers differ from mid-ocean ridges in important ways that are related to their different regional setting. They are typically close to islands, and therefore experience a more intensive human presence. Many of the island nations of the western Pacific include back-arc basins in their Exclusive Economic Zones and stand to benefit from development of their resource potential. From a strictly scientific standpoint, back-arc magma systems are geologically diverse, and the associated hydrothermal systems can be expected to support an extensive, diverse macro- and microfauna. These systems provide a natural laboratory for multi-disciplinary studies of seafloor creation, of the associated flow of material and energy from the deep Earth, and of the complex ecosystems that this flow sustains. See more here

2004 - Mid-Ocean Ridges: Hydrothermal Interactions between the Lithosphere and Oceans Editors - Chris German, Jian Lin and Lindsay Parson

The mid-ocean ridge system is the site of creation of the oceanic crust and lithosphere that cover more than two-thirds of the Earth. Nearly three-quarters of Earth's total heat flux occurs through oceanic crust, much of it through hydrothermal circulation at mid-ocean ridges. How does this hydrothermal activity transfer heat from Earth's lithosphere to its hydrosphere? How do hydrothermal vents, their heat and chemical fluxes, vary in time and space? How are these variations related to the geology of the underlying crust/lithosphere? This volume features multidisciplinary studies on such questions from geophysical, petrological, geochemical, seafloor observational, experimental and theoretical perspectives, including: · Processes of heat transfer from Earth's mantle, via mid-ocean ridges, to the oceans · Global variations in hydrothermal vents and heat flux · Morphology, rheology, internal structure, and geology of the oceanic lithosphere and their controls on hydrothermal circulation · Physical and chemical reaction processes in hydrothermal circulation systems · Direct observations and measurements of hydrothermal vents from submersibles Scientists and students working in marine geochemistry, marine geology and geophysics, tectonophysics, volcanology, geochemistry and petrology, as well as multidisciplinary scientists with an interest in mid-ocean ridges and hydrothermal systems will find this work an important resource in our evolving view. Download the book cover, contents and ordering information.


InterRidge Statement of Commitment to Responsible Research Practices at Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents

The primary purpose of this document is to affirm our commitment to responsible research activity at hydrothermal vents. As members of an international research community we encourage all scientists to abide by the following guidelines:
1) Avoid, in the conduct of scientific research, activities that will have deleterious impacts on the sustainability of populations of hydrothermal vent organisms.
2) Avoid, in the conduct of scientific research, activities that lead to long lasting and significant alteration and/or visual degradation of vent sites.
3) Avoid collections that are not essential to the conduct of scientific research.
4) Avoid, in the conduct of scientific research, transplanting biota or geological material between sites.
5) Familiarize yourself with the status of current and planned research in an area and avoid activities that will compromise experiments or observations of other researchers. Assure that your own research activities and plans are known to the rest of the international research community through InterRidge and other public domain data bases
6) Facilitate the fullest possible use of all biological, chemical and geological samples collected through collaborations and cooperation amongst the global community of scientists.

See the whole statement here (Click here to access PDF of article in Oceanography 2007)